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Poles are famous around the world for their delicious kielbasy. The word entered English directly from Polish "kielbasa".
Polish kielbasa (sausage) is a staple of Polish cuisine and comes in dozens of varieties: grilling kielbasy, dried or half-dry, smoked or fresh. There are many types of Polish sausages: kielbasy żywieckie, kielbasy krakowskie, kabanosy and multitude of others - every region has its own specialties and kielbasa recipes. Kielbasy are extremely popular Polish food products, each brand with a precise unique taste.
Polish cold cuts: Szynka (Polish Hams), Boczek (Polish Bacons), Salceson (Polish Headcheese), Poledwica Lososiowa (Fresh Smoked & Cured Pork Loin) and others are produced according to traditional Polish recipes and also have their numerous advocates.
Polish kielbasa and Polish cold cuts are most often produced from pork and beef as well as poultry. All of them are well seasoned, aromatic, nicely packaged - they look exceptionally appetizing.